Some people ask me how is Brian losing weight and in the process putting on muscle and doing it consistently over a long period. To my reader, that is a great question……listen closely!

Here’s how we attacked the body for transformation:


We focused on the metabolism reset by giving an influx of protein and carbs to help reboot the system, followed by a healthy balance of water and fats! After we were able to do so, we went into a calorie deficit, knocking off 10-20g of carbs every 2-3 weeks for the water to decrease in the body and drive the ketones to burn fat!


He has been training 4 days a week with 30 minutes of cardio after every session, along with a training program that calls for progressive overload for muscular development. Sets ranged from 3-7 sets with 10-15 rep ranges for optimal output!


His rest time is 3 days off for physical and mental recovery so that he can obtain the best physique! He has been able to lose 5 lbs each month and we are now embarking on a 20lb loss in the new year!


Not only have we reduced the midsection, tapered the arms, and reduced body fat, but he has also been able to reclaim confidence in the process!


After doing this for over 4 years, these client results are the reason stick to being a personal coach and trainer!


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